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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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  Total claimed properties: 42751

Decided first compensation HPD/KPA claims

Prishtinė, October 2019

On 25 - 27 September 2019, The Kosovo Property Claims Commission (KPCC) of the
Kosovo Property Comparison and Verification Agency held its session in order to resolve the
remaining property disputes as received, registered and processed claims to be adjudicated
before the KPA.

Claims related to restoration of property right lost as a result of discrimination were
presented to the Commission for the first time, at this session.
In these cases, the Housing and Property Directorate decided that the “A” category Claimant
is entitled to property repossession upon payment of the privatization price and the “C”
category Claimant is entitled to compensation. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo
issued the Administrative Instruction (GRK) No. 10/2018 on Procedures for Compensation
Scheme Implementing the Decisions of the Housing and Property Claims Commission, and
the compensation fund is available, and as such, the implementation of Housing and Property
Claims Commission Decisions has become possible. At this session, out of 132 such claims,
14 claims were presented to the Commission where the Evaluation Commission of the
Agency determined the privatisation price and the “A” category Claimant paid this amount to

the Agency. Following the Commission decision, the “C” category Claimant can now request
payment on their compensation by the Agency.
The Commission, within its own competencies, also decided a few other cases including two
claims that were quashed by the KPA Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court, and returned to
the Executive Secretariat of the Agency for reprocessing and re-adjudication by the