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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751

Nė mbėshtetje tė zbatimit tė Ligjit nr. 06/L-085 pėr Mbrojtjen e Sinjalizuesve, ju lutem gjeni nė linkun e mėposhtėm Udhėzuesin pėr Mbrojtjen e Sinjalizuesve, tė pėrgatitur nga Projekti kundėr Krimit Ekonomik nė Kosovė (PECK II) nė bashkėpunim me Agjencinė Kundėr Korrupsionit.