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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751

KPCVA hosted Dr. Dana Landau

On 09/06/2023, Mrs. Hana Jonuzi Deputy Head of the Information Unit and Mr. Veton Demi Deputy Director of the Department for Processing Cases and Requests, welcomed Dr. Dana Landau, Senior Researcher at swisspeace, from the associated Institute of the University of Basel in Switzerland, who is currently conducting research on the returns of minorities in Kosovo, also expressed interest in the current work of KPCVA. Ms. Landau was informed about the two Mandates of the Agency, the comparison, verification and resolution of discrepancies and gaps between the original cadastral documents received in Kosovo by the Serbian authorities before June 1999 and the current cadastral documents in the Republic of Kosovo as well the uncontested and legitimate claims, on immovable properties, transferred through informal transactions before March 24, 1999, the transfer of which was prohibited by discriminatory legislation or for which the documents required for registration in the Kosovo cadastral system do not exist. Dr. Landau was also informed about the inherited mandates of the Kosovo Property Agency and the Housing and Property Directorate.