On 2 August 2023, Ms. Aferdita Beka -Arifaj, Director of the Executive Secretariat of the KPCVA, held two introduction meetings following the appointment of two international and two local members to the Supervisory Board of the Kosovo Property Comparison and Verification Agency (KPCVA).
In the first meeting, Ms Afėrdita Beka-Arifaj and Mr. Milaim Cekaj, Deputy Director of the Executive Secretariat of the KPCVA, welcomed the international members H.E. Ms. Carin Lobbezoo, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kosovo, H.E. Ms. Minca Benedejčič, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Kosovo, and Ms. Violeta Demaj, Representative of the EU Office to Kosovo.
In the second meeting, the local members of the KPCVA Supervisory Board, Ms,Selvete Gagica and Mr. Hamit Basholli joined their international counterparts. During this meeting the Supervisory Board Members were briefed on the work, processes, and activities and challenges the KPCVA is currently facing. They also discussed various possibilities to overcome these challenges.
Regarding the future meetings, the Board members and the KPCVA Management agreed to hold the next Board meeting in the beginning of October 2023.