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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751

KPA publishes 18th volume of property claims

14th May 2010, the Kosovo Property Agency (KPA) published the 18th volume of property claims submitted to the agency. The 18th volume contains 2,460 of the more than 40,729 claims which the KPA has received thus far for agricultural land, commercial and residential properties.

The 2,460 claims published today include claims for:           

Today’s publication brings the total number of claims published by the KPA to 40,597.
The published information includes details regarding the claims, such as municipality, village, street name, street number and parcel number of the claimed property, so as to enable persons with potential legal interests in the properties to be able to identify the property.

If you believe you have a legal right or interest in any of the claimed properties listed in the publication list, you must contact the KPA as soon as possible and within 30 days of the date the list was published, if you wish to become a party to the claim.  If you fail to make contact within the given 30 days, the KPA or the Kosovo Property Claims Commission may issue an order that might affect your property rights over the claimed property without any further notice.

The lists of published claims are available in all municipalities and local courts in Kosovo, all KPA offices, and the KPA’s web page http://www.kpaonline.org/SearchSC/frmSearch.aspx