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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751

Last claims submitted with the KPA have  been decided

Prishtina, January 2015

On 16 December 2014, in the Kosovo  Property Agency, the last session of the Kosovo Property Claims  Commission (KPCC) was held, to resolve the remaining property disputes  being received, registered and adjudicated as KPA claims. As such, 194 last  remaining claims were decided bringing the number of the decided claims to 42,116,  whereas 633 claims were withdrawn by claimants before being referred to  the Commission for adjudication, bringing the total number to 42,749 claims received by the KPA.

This process closed the chapter of  adjudication of property claims submitted with the KPA, resulting from the  1998/99 armed conflict in Kosovo.

The KPCC decisions are subject to the  right of appeal to the Supreme Court of Kosovo, and as such the number of  claims referred back to the KPCC for reconsideration and re-adjudication is  unknown.

Proper, objective and transparent  resolution and implementation of conflict related property claims by entirely  respecting the rule of law, has been and still remains one of the main KPA and  KPCC goals.