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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751


Pristine, June 2016

In the  context of capacity building and vocational training needs of the staff,  including the process of the organizational change, the KPA has conducted a  three-day training in Durrės (Albania) from 27 to 29 May 2016 for its entire  staff, on the topic "Professional capacity building, development  concepts and organizational change."

This  training was designed and delivered in three modules (levels): for the  managerial, professional, technical and administrative staff members. Within  these modules, a special focus was given to the topics related to development  and organizational change, capacity building, performance management, project  management, welfare within the organization and conflict management, and other  professional aspects related to legal issues on property rights.
  The project was financially supported by  the British Embassy in Kosovo and implemented by the University of Business and  Technology (UBT). This training is part of the activities planned by the KPA  management on continuous capacity building  and vocational training of  the staff.