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KPA Claims Property Under Administration

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Please note: When using this facility to search for a property, the original name of the cadastral municipality should be used. KPA records are based on information provided when the claim was submitted and therefore do not reflect changes resulting from the establishment of any new municipalities in Kosovo.

  Total claimed properties: 42751


Prishtina,  25 November 2016

After  the enactment by the Kosovo Assembly and publication in the Official Gazette of  the Republic of Kosovo, dated 11.03.2016, the Law No.05/L-010 on the Kosovo  Property Comparison and Verification Agency entered into force. The  establishment of the Kosovo Property Comparison and Verification Agency (KPCVA)  is the outcome of the Agreement for the Return, Comparison and Verification of  Cadastral Records, reached in Brussels in 2011, between Kosovo and Serbia.

This  Law deals with the resolution of claims relating to private immovable property,  including private agricultural and commercial property as well as comparing and  resolving discrepancies between original cadastral documents taken from Kosovo  by Serbian authorities before June 1999 and current cadastral documents in the  Republic of Kosovo, in relation to private property, private commercial  property and private property of religious communities.

Transitional  provisions of the Law stipulate that a part of the mandate and responsibilities  of the Kosovo Property Agency (KPA) and the Housing and Property Directorate  (HPD) transferred to this Agency shall be transferred to the Kosovo Property  Comparison and Verification Agency (KPCVA), mainly those parts dealing with the  implementation of the Housing and Property Claims Commission Decisions as well  as properties that are currently under the administration of KPA.

  In addition, with the entry into force of this Law, physical assets,  contractual and budgetary liabilities of the Kosovo Property Agency and the  assets that have been previously transferred to the Kosovo Property Agency from  the Housing and Property Directorate shall be transferred to the new Agency.

Under  this law, the transitional period of KPA into KPCVA will last 90 days, within  which other bylaws specifying precisely and clearly every segment of the  mandate and functioning of the Agency shall be adopted.

  The current Agency, with its professional and administrative capacities is  ready to successfully implement this process of transformation.